Five Leadership Lessons
on October 15th, 2019
Remain (as long as you can).Anyone doing a great work will occasionally feel like quitting. It is almost always too soon to quit. When you feel lost, stay where you are, your Father will find you. As Paul said to Timothy, who wanted to leave his post in Ephesus, "As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctri... Read More
The Rise and Fall of the High-Profile Pastor
on May 22nd, 2019
In her book, If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead Yet? Cynthia Heimel wrote about the disastrous nature of celebrity:“The minute a person becomes a celebrity is the same minute he/she becomes a monster. Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, and Barbra Streisand were once perfectly pleasant human beings with whom you might lunch on a slow Tuesday afternoon."But now they have become suprem... Read More
Sheepkeeping: A Dangerous Business
on April 26th, 2019
I had to be there. My friend was resigning. The church was packed as a result of the email sent to the congregation earlier in the week informing everyone of what would undoubtedly be a difficult Sunday service. When my wife and I arrived, it was hard to find an empty parking place. As we entered the building it was clear that we would not get a seat in the worship auditorium. So, we watched from ... Read More